Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So Maybe "Deplore" Was a Bit Much...

I have to say that when I last blogged I was in a frightful mood. What you saw there was the equivalent of an emotional HUGE zit that popped - satisfying, yet disgusting. It was the culmination of many days of frustration and just over all raw nerves.

The following day I was shown how to do something at work that I hadn't been doing because I felt there wasn't an effective way to do it. This is because I had either been misinformed or misunderstood. I choose to believe the former as there were several others in my training class who believed as I did. Now that I know how to do the particular task, which leads to more money for me and happiness for my customers, my mood has improved considerably! Do not take this change in mood for my actually liking my position, cause I don't. However it is much easier to deal with.


Michelle said...

Well, at least that's good news :) Does this have something to do with the multi-tasking thing you're expected to do?

David said...

No, this has to do with the selling thing I'm supposed to which I would like to note was really not mentioned in the interview process. Had it been, I most likely would've declined the job.